How to increase conversion of your travel blog through SEO

Nowadays, every organization’s marketing department emphasis on one specific skill. If they have employees with good SEO skills, the company have a very bright future. A good SEO can literally change an average content to gold with results. In this digital age, SEO is the skill set to develop and work on, in order to increase your conversion rate. But what exactly is SEO? And why is it carry such importance in this era of online marketing?

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the namesake of improving your page’s search engine ranking. When you type something in the search bar of any search engine, it runs an algorithm based on your keywords and display results with the best matches, most authoritative and relevant. In simple words, SEO helps your page to rank high in the search results of a search engine.

You can also say that SEO is an algorithm of a search engine that determines the quality of the web page. To enhance the quality of content on your website, you need SEO experts. Although SEO is not rocket science or any sort of dark arts of marketing, trust us it is just a skill that can help you increase your traffic and make more profits.

In the travel industry, SEO has become a decisive skill in determining the top results when a user hits specific keywords. For this reason, travel bloggers have mastered this art and today only those blogs get the most hits which are SEO friendly. If you write a travel blog based on your original experience, with original pictures and great presentation, but you don’t get many conversions; it means your blog was displayed no way near your focus keyword and only a few people might have clicked it. We don’t discredit your work, but sadly SEO results always matter. Through different researchers, we have discovered that on average, bloggers get around 60% of total traffic from different search engines. If a blog is SEO friendly, the chances of getting more conversions automatically increases.

If you write a travel blog, it is imperative to make it SEO friendly to get more response from the visitors. If you are running a travel agency and selling cheap flights then SEO is important to get maximum conversion. Sharing it on different social media platforms can enhance your traffic, but SEO searches will always play an important by creating a better chance of increased conversion. Following are some factors to satisfy for each blogger, so their work can reach more people.

Setting up Analytics:

If there is one tool to get organized, and start determining what keywords to use in your blog for increasing its success chances, it is Google Analytics. By adding it, you can determine where the traffic is coming from. It also tells you which nationality of people is looking at your blog along with the keyword with the highest engagement.

Set up your blogging platform and start monitoring its progress. The information it provides is incredibly useful and it can help you work on highest searched keywords for the best results. For travel blogs, it is important to entertain the traffic with keywords of the most visited countries, along with the emerging points of interests. Analytics is the best place to begin a travel blog.

Setting up Meta titles & description:

Meta titles and description are small, yet the most important aspect of any blog. If your blog is rich in SEO; but it has no or less SEO friendly Meta title and description, your blog may not appear in any search engine result. Try using the title of the blog somewhere in the Meta title and a brief summary of your content in its description. Trust us, you need to work on setting up Meta titles and description to achieve best results.

Header Tags:

Try to use a healthy amount of headers in your traveling blogs. Place destinations in the form of headings and link it with good rated websites of relevant content.


If a travel blog is not rich in images, it will definitely not attract many visitors; and would have a high bounce rate. Travel blogs main purpose is to promote a certain travel destination and written based on your experience. You can share your images, as well as free images, were taken with owner’s consent. Caption the images with the names of destination or places for enhanced search results. You can also use Alt tags to keep few relevant keywords.

Deep Links:

Try to build links not only to your blog homepage but also to the main content page as well. A deep link can have a tremendous effect in shaping that page’s search engine result. Apart from building links, you can also install different plugins to filter your content to enhance quality with respect to SEO.

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