Propeller ads review 2022

Propellerads is a an Ad network, By using propellerads an advertisers can advertise ther website by using their services and Publishers can monetize their website by using propellers ads on their website or blog.
If you are a publisher and want monetize traffic of your website then first of all you need to create a publisher account in, After creating account you need to add your website there to get approval. Once it is added, after 2-3 business days You will get official mail from them with information whether your website is approved or rejected. If your website is approved then you can start monetizing traffic of your website by using ads of Propellerads. Although they approval process is no so stick like Google Adsense. Most of the website get approved.

propeller ads

Propeller ads provide different types of ads for its publishers. Some of them are as follows:
Push Notifications: Once a user subscribes to Push Notifications on your site, you will start earning money for each notification shown, even if a user never visits your website again.
Onclick (Popunder): This send a popunder ads when a user click on any web page link on your website. This is CPM based
Smart link (Direct ads): You can link the given Direct link to your  own banners, texts or other methods to send traffic  from your website. This is CPM and CPC based.

The amount of ads impression depends on the ad uploading. Users may load the page but if the ad code is not loaded it doesn’t count, I mean to say that their statistics might be different from your as far as they only count impressions but not page-views. An impression counts only when a visitor saw the ad. Also, an ad opens for a unique user with a certain frequency, so the number of impressions won’t be equal to the number of visitors. If your site has high bounce rate which means that users close ad pages without making a click, it leads to an unopened ad. Also, there are many users that have Adblock browsers, so there can’t be impressions for them.


Push up (Dialog ads): This ad is perfect for mobile visitors. This ad will apear Clean and non-aggressive ad format for efficient monetization of your mobile traffic.

propeller ads earnings

propeller ads cpm

Interstitial: This comes in form of Full-screen Interstitials generating,, It gives much higher revenue from mobile users than classic

Native Subscriptions: This ad format is to gain subscribers from the visits of your site and provides you an extra earning along with other ad format.

native subscriptions ads

To activate this type of ad you need first create a zone of Native Subscriptions
for your added website, Later you have to install Native-subscription code in your website.
To install Native-subscription code in your website first of all you have to download a sw.js file availed in code section, It is less than 1Kb so you should not worry about space. in second step you have to verify whether file is uploaded or not, to verify this you have to click on verify. Once site is verified then you have to place code on your website, this is final step and marks the end of things getting done.

Although it could take some time to appear the ad, It could take 24 hours to adjust the settings of your native subscription zone. When all setting are done by stem in 24 hours then your earnings will start appearing.

Banner Ads: (Currently disabled)

They have ads on the following basis:
CPA (Cost per action)
CPC (Cost per click)
CPM (Cost per thousand impressions, “mile”)
Effective cost per mille (eCPM)

Minimum payout: 25 USD.
Propellerads publisher requirements: The approval process of Propellerads is not very togh like Google Adsense. There is no traffic requirement to get approval from PropellerAds, But you should use relevant and meaningful content on your website/blog. You should not use copied content.  Your website should not be under construction nor it should take too much time to be loaded. You should provide good navigation for your website and a perfect user interface.

Propellerads payment methods: Paypal, Webmoney, Bank transfer, Payoneer etc.
Referral Program: With referrals you can earn 5% revenue of the person who signs up with your referral link. You can use referral link as a banner on your site.
So share referral links with your reader, You will earn 5% of his revenue when your reader joins propeller ads.

Native banner Ads: They display block of teaser ads. The rotation system in it is fully automated and picks up only the pictures with the highest CTR.It means, that if your users don’t click on certain image, it will quickly be unlinked and replaced by the picture that users like most.This helps you get the best click rate and the highest possible income.Unfortunatelly there is no possibility to unlink certain images manually.

Due to the highly dynamic nature of the statistics, we always strongly recommend to publishers to only take into account the results they get by the end of each day (considering that we work within the EST time-zone). The dashboard statistics you are tracking is being updated hourly, but representing mainly statistical values on average, may change during the day. However, if you mention that the dashboard statistics is not being updated for more than a day, You may be needed to contact to Propeller ads team!

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