Adgebra Ad Review

Adgebra is a India based native ad network that gives opportunity to Indian publishers to monetize their traffics in regional language. For example Malayalam, Hindi, English etc. They claim India’s No.1 ad tech Platform. It is owned by Inuxu Digital Media Technologies. Their office is located in Pune Maharastra.


Requirements: There is no official announcement for any traffic requirements but It is recommended to have 100+ unique visits before applying adgebra But you should have original and relevant content. Navigation link structure and user interface should be good for your website. Your website should not generate traffics from bots.
You can register here to gain a publisher account:

When your account is approved then to use adgebra ads on your website, first you need click on get started to be login in the account. After cliking on get started you will get code to put into header section of all the pages. After adding this clode, You need to click on your domain (option is available bellow add domain). Now you will get code of diferent sizes like 728×90, 160×600, 400×216, 580×216, 750×216, 400×432, 580×432, 750×432
Now you can select the code of desired side and put code into your web pages at the places where you want to display your ads. Note that footer code is mandatory, your ad will not display without placing footer code. When you are done with adding codes then you will see adgebra ads on your website.

adgebra dashboard

Snapshot of add domain in adgebra

One thing is very good with adgebra that they send neat and clean ads.

adgebra cpc rates

For payment: Their minimum payout is Rs. 5000. When you are reached threshold of Rs. 5,000 then you may be needed to send an invoice to Adgebra to gain payment. It could take around 2 months to get your invoice processed and receiving payment from them. So have to have little pationce to gain payment from Adgebra

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