How to fix Chrome downloading proxy script issue

You may have notice some times that when you open any website on Google chrome then it opens very slow and it takes too much time to be loaded the page, And wrongly know that there is problem in internet supply so you quickly contact to your internet services provide and you may register complain there, But I tell you this is not fault of your internet services provider, You can fix this issue by doing the things as I do and get fix the issue.

downloading proxy script chrome
First of All you need to click on internet option, to do this you can make a search with search term ‘internet options’ by clicking on Start button and putting there ‘internet options’ in search programs and files space and later enter. Now you can click on inter net options appeared in search menu.
You also can go to internet options via control panel, to follow this method you need to open control panel and later click on ‘Network and internet’, There you will find internet options, now click on it. Now a setting box will be opened named ‘internet properties’. Now you need to click on connections, After clicking on connections you will se there a option button named ‘LAN settings’. Now you need to click on LAN settings, when you click on it then another setting box is opened named ‘Local Area Network (LAN) settings. Now there you may find a checked option named ‘Automatically detect Settings’. Now you need to un-check it and click on OK,

internet properties

lan settings

Now when after making this setting you open any site or web page, then all the page(s) should open without issue,

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