12 Web Design Trends of 2019

What will be the trends of Web Design in this 2019?

No talk! Let’s find out together to which directions digital creators will move this year.

Here are the 12 trends.

1) Vibrant Colors

Vibrating tones, super saturation of the screen, headings re-enticed with cuts and angles that abandon the classic horizontal line. These are the 2019 trends for Web Design with regard to colors. But how come more and more creative (and brand) are abandoning those that were the traditional colors of the web? In part this is favored by technological advances in monitors and devices: the current screens support well the reproduction of richer colors. In part it is a real tendency put in place to stand out. The use of bright colors and even contrasting with each other are intended to attract visitors and capture their attention, in a world that is constantly saturated with visual stimuli.

2) Particles wallpapers

Another of the 2019 web design trends are particle funds, namely particles backgrounds. This is a useful stratagem for sites with performance problems that must have a video background for business needs or specific client requests. These animations are light JavaScript that allow you to create movements as a natural part of the background, all without taking too much time to load. These backgrounds have the “blessing” of immediately attracting the user’s attention, so brands can create a memorable impression in just a few seconds.

3) Illustrations

Along with the backgrounds, 2019 is undoubtedly also the year of personalized illustrations. Personalizing today is more than ever the password to stand out. Any brand seeks personalization because this allows it to stand out in markets that become more crowded each year. Whatever your brand identity, there is probably a style of illustration to match them. The illustrations can also be used successfully by brands that have a very serious brand image, to be perceived as more accessible by their customers.

4) Big (and big) characters

Space also for the typographical “revolution” of the moment. The typography has always been:

  • a powerful visual tool
  • a way to create personality and evoke emotions
  • able to set the tone at which a site transmits information

Even more today there will be an (exponential) increase in the use of personalized typefaces. The ever clearer resolution of devices currently on the market helps the development of this trend. By now almost all browsers can support both original and non-system typefaces and using them is always easier. Web designers are increasingly free to use creative and out-of-the-ordinary forms of expression. The tendency to use special and large characters, very large, will certainly help in improving the User Experience (UX) and, above all, creating interest and involvement, in extending the visitor’s sessions on the website.

5) HTML5 animations

We also mention HTML5 animations, which are undoubtedly among the Web Design trends in 2019. With the advance of browser technology, more and more websites are moving from static images to video animations to engage users in their communicative approach. Unlike the previously mentioned particle animations (which are generally large backgrounds), smaller animations are useful for engaging the visitor throughout his / her experience on the page. For example, the graphics can:

  • animate the page while it is loading
  • function as the focal point of the entire site
  • create meaningful interactions with and for visitors
  • allow visitors to see themselves (and their future potential as customers) in animated characters

 6) Interaction

Facebook and other social networks have made micro-interactions extremely popular. Users love the ability to contribute a variety of reactions to posts and private messages, from the traditional Like of posts, to a series of animated hearts. These micro interactions allow the user to interact with others without reloading the page. Micro interactions help to stem inconveniences such as loss of potential conversions and provide users with richer interactive experiences. Using them on your site in 2019 allows users to communicate in real time and increase the speed and connectivity they expect.

Sliding animations are revisited and reused in a minimalist way with educational, strategic and conversion enhancements. These animations replace “old” buttons and menus, and encourage you to continue scrolling (scroll) pages, resulting in:

  • clean up the graphic / aesthetic appearance of the site
  • provide users with a real and interactive experience

7) SVG vector images

2019 is also the big year of scalable vector graphics (SVGs) on the Web and one can expect this graphic format to exceed traditional PNG file formats, GIF for icons and still simple images with few colors and zero nuances. SVGs are vector images, not pixels, which offer many advantages. They are scalable (they can be enlarged indefinitely while maintaining their quality), which means they can be significantly lighter to load.

8) Internet of Things

The connectivity between devices has been a huge trend in 201 and will continue on this path again this year. Said on two feet the Internet of Things is machine-machine communication, even if it is much more than just devices connected to each other. IoT devices can be a simple refrigerator or a complex turbine and, once programmed, receive information and act on their environments. The APIs that allow Web developers to connect and communicate with these devices are currently being created, leading to greater interconnectivity.

9) Grotesque

The grotesque. An undoubtedly emerging style already at the dawn of 2018, a year ago. Today the grotesque seems to have infected, in style and graphics, also important brands such as Gucci. The works created in the grotesque style seem to shy away from all optimization tips and lists of best practices in favor of almost surreal looks and effects, giving designers the chance to do what they want rather than what they have to do.

10) Organic and diagonal forms

More organic and more oblique forms, almost as a tribute to the famous architect Hundertwasser, who declared war on the straight line. Rounded corners, rounded shapes, spirals, in the interface elements, in the menus, in the backgrounds, in the illustrations. Input boxes, profiles, avatars … all rounded. But also menus that develop diagonally, separators and sections out of the order of perpendicularity.

11) Mission, Vision, Promise

First the content or first the design? The creative world, not just the Web, has long been obsessed with this dilemma. To solve the age-old question, we are assisted by the study of the principles of marketing: starting from the company’s Vision, its Values, the Mission, the Offering Promise, framing everything in a Value Proposition helps the Web Designer to choose which solutions to adopt.

The principles of marketing, in fact, provide a framework for all the other decision-making processes and, after all, even the brands are founded on principles: there is always a vision, a mission, a promise. Each of these things requires underlying beliefs to animate them, to make them relevant to others. In other words: principles provide the why.

12) A / B test

Instead of staying in “mercy” of the aesthetic tastes of their audience, designers can test different versions of a project, to see which works best, which converts more.

The technique of testing different versions of a Web page on samples of the real public is called A / B test, also called Split Test.

For an A / B self-respecting test starts with these principles:

  • Importance: head first of all the most important things (for example the headline at the top of the page)
  • Granularity: do not make too many changes. Changing multiple elements will make it almost impossible to define which variable is getting positive or negative results
  • Overlap: keep simplicity, run one test at a time so as not to pollute the results
  • Relevance: it is often good to start testing the page with more traffic, a statistically relevant result will come first

Do not see an A / B test as an insurmountable difficulty. It can be a very rewarding experience because in the end, you’re satisfying the customer driving its traffic and encouraging conversions. From this point of view, even from the point of view of Web Design, A / B testing will be a rising trend in 2019.

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