As long as you are having only few thousands of visitors per day, It is worth shared hosting for you, But when you start getting massive traffic like more than 5 thousands visitors/day then you may be needed to switch to a VPS or Dedicated hosting plan. Dedicated hosting is very costly so majority of people prefer switching VPS over dedicated server.
When you buy a VPS hosting then you get a bigger part of a server. In fact, this gives you better performance and smaller risk of getting your website(s) down or suffer because of shared system, With VPS you get isolation, performance and more security.
VPS is a virtual private server and it can handle up to a 100 thousands unique vistors smoothly, if your website is well optimized then it can handle even more than that.
Shared hosting plans are perfect for startups but when traffic is increased and becomes massive then you are needed a vps or dedicated.
VPS are genrally two types:
1) Unmanaged VPS: This is Self-managed VPS, You will be given access of root, and you will be right person to install required software on sever and everything. Hosting providers provide no technical support in the case of un-managed hosting, So unmanaged vps is cheap in comparison of Managed VPS.
2) Managed VPS: Managed VPS is costly in comparison to un-managed, When you buy a managed VPS plan then this means, your hosting provider will manage your server and they will install all the required software and everything, They will manage your server, You just need to take care of content of your website.
Some of the best vps hosting companies are as follows:
1. Liquid Web:

2. Inmotion:

3. KnownHost:

4. HostGator:

5. Bluehost
6. A2hosting
7. DigitalOcean
8. Linode
9. Amazon Web Services, Inc
10. Google Cloud Platform: