Top 10 Social Media Marketing Tips to keep you ahead in Social Media Marketing

Social media is something that almost everybody in the world is influenced by. The reach of the social media platforms has been increased drastically over the years.

In 2005 only 5% of people were using social media in America and now 7 people out of 10 are using social media. Social media has really changed the way we commute and it has also proved beneficial for many businesses too.

Almost everything is digitalized these days, we are communicating online, getting education, working online, and even doing shopping online too. The eCommerce industry is a more than a billion dollar industry and you can buy almost anything online and get your stuff delivered next to your doorsteps using a parcel forwarding service and all these things can be done with few clicks of media marketing tips

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If your business isn’t on social media then no doubt you are missing countless opportunities. No matter if you own a blog or a business, your audience and customers are already online and you must join them as soon as possible.

Bring your blog or business on multiple social media platforms and utilize it smartly applying killer social media marketing strategies. Provide more exposure to your business and let social media do its work.

Its 2022and you must look for some new and advance social media marketing tips to get more exposure on social media sites. Here I have featured top 10 social media marketing tips to keep you ahead in 2022.

1.Know your goals

No matter whatever you are doing if you don’t have a solid plan or goals then it will be very difficult to achieve the expected results. Set your social media goals, write them and break them into small steps.

First of all, ask yourself a question, why are you using social media?

Are you using social media platforms for building awareness, increasing leads, building a community online, a portfolio or promoting your products online? For each and every purpose there may be different strategies to apply to achieve success.

Setting your social media marketing goals may be difficult for you and if you are feeling overwhelmed then the tips below can help you in setting your social media marketing goals.

  • Set a target to reach more people on social media such as 10,000 Twitter followers in one year.
  • Set deadlines
  • Go with the latest social media trends
  • Follow big influencers or your industry on social media

2.Know your audience

Every business has a different audience to target and you must also know your audience to make relevant strategies. Social media marketing is all about reaching the right group of people and showing them whatever you are promoting.

Before creating social media posts make sure whom you are going to target or attract. Make effort to understand your audience, their interests, their source of motivation, and their dislikes. Try to collect information about your audience as more as possible.

Doing all these stuff may seem time-consuming, insignificant or arbitrary but this will help you in stabilizing better relationship with your audience.

Few things to consider understanding your potential audience:

  • What your audience’s interests?
  • Which product or service are they looking for?
  • Always make effort to get their feedbacks
  1. Stay active

This is something that really going to decide your success in your social media marketing campaigns. Some people start utilizing social media platforms and quit after a few weeks.

examples of social media

No matter how much effort you are putting in to make your social media marketing campaigns successful it’s true that you can’t achieve success overnight.

Social media can be time consuming and tough at the same time but you have to stick with it. Each social media post has the potential to grab your audience’s attention thus you have to post often and make effort to stay active for a long period.

  1. Go with social media management tools

There are many tasks to do to perform a successful social media marketing campaign and it’s true that you can’t do those things alone. You need a team of professionals if you owned a huge company or organization or you can manage to do all those stuff by using a great social media management tool if you have a small business or blog.

There are hundreds of social media management tools available online but few of them are good such as Buffer, HootSuite, Sprout Social, CoSchedule etc. If you are looking for the benefits of a great social media management tool then here are some benefits listed below:

  • Manage multiple social media accounts in one place
  • Schedule your posts
  • Organize conversations
  • Track your results
  • Make the process of content curation more simple
  • Increase social engagement
  • Provide worthy reports and data

5.Use images

Social media is all about visual content and you must make effort to include compelling visuals to your social posts. These days’ customers and audience have really shorter attention span compared to previous years.

No matter how effectively you have created your text content; your audience may not show much interest in that. By using attention-grabbing headlines and eye-catchy images you can create more gossip with your social media posts.

You don’t need to hire graphics designers to create images for your blog posts or social media posts, you can do it by yourself using a good graphic design tool. Looking for some good graphic design tools to create compelling images, here are they:

  • Canva
  • Stencil
  • DesignBold
  • Fotor
  • Snappa

6.Include videos

Images are great but videos can do magic. Researchers have found that a good video can grab a person’s attention for average 30 minutes or even longer.

When it comes to videos people often look towards YouTube but you must not dedicate your social media marketing campaigns to a single platform. Creating video content may be more difficult and time-consuming compared to texts and images and you can’t afford to dedicate it to YouTube only.

You must go with multiple social media channels including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote your hardly created video content.

  1. Add value to your posts

Add value to whatever you are providing to your customers and audience. Make sure to post only quality social media posts that don’t annoy your audience.

Look for the ways to engage more with your audience and I have listed few tips to engage with your audience.

  • Do social media polls to know your audience’s interest
  • Try to build personal relationships with your audience by responding to their comments
  • Offer your audience something valuable for free (tips, tricks, success stories, to-do, and not-to-do things etc).

8.Promote smartly, don’t do over promotion

You think your product, service or blog is cool but don’t talk about yourself all the time. Don’t spam on social media with your excess self-promotion.

Social media provide a huge audience base that’s why many people think that it’s just a place for asking users to buy product or service. No don’t do that, don’t annoy your customers. Look for the ways to build trust, nurture relationships, being more social, create purchasing intent organically and create brand love.

  1. Make effort to encourage reviews and comments

One of the best things about social media is that it makes easy to respond to the mass. You can provide worthy reviews and comments to your audience to make your conversation more personal and healthy.

Many businesses don’t allow customers to post reviews in order to avoid bad reviews. People are more likely to post bad experiences and reviews instead of good ones.

Take the bad reviews as an opportunity of showing your great customer service. Good or bad, you have to take care of both kinds of reviews.

10.Include customizable chatbots

Responding to your audience or customer is great but what if you will receive thousands of comments and questions a day?

It will be really impossible for an individual to responds to all questions and comments in just 24 hours (there are also lots of other important tasks to do). Use a customizable chatbot on your blog to answer those questions.

Using customizable chatbots you can easily answer your customers with the programmed responses.

Bottom Line

You just can’t ignore the importance of social media these days and in the future, it is going to be more huge and powerful. If you are not taking it seriously you are no doubt going to miss your online visibility.

Make your audience you’re top-priority, not your product. Once your audience started listening to you they can be easily converted into customers. I hope these tips will help you in boosting your social media presence.

Your feedback and comments are will be heartily welcomed in this post.

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