Benefits of WordPress Automation – How to Make the Most of it

Automation may be quite an intimidating term for some, especially for those whose business depends on the ability strike a personal connection with customers. On the other hand, automation is very beneficial while working on WordPress. The basic idea is to streamline flow of work precisely when it makes sense doing.

WordPress automation is available as a plugin. Hence, the process can be a little tricky. These plugins can add serious weight to website. Hence, overdoing it can create a mess. The only thing to keep in mind is to get the right plugins in position. Once you do this, your website performance will not be affected by corrupting side effects of plugin.

Here’s a look at various possible ways you can automate WordPress and get maximum benefits:


Updating plugins, themes, and WordPress core on website is crucial. Failing to do so on-time can affect security and other crucial functioning of the website. Automate tool is one of the best options for automating the updates process. You require activating the tool to be able to choose the amount of automation of updates process. It has an immaculate reporting feature which will keep you informed of all updates occurring on your website.

Gathering of Analytics

Collection of data is one of the most crucial processes for any modern day business. The one and only foolproof method to rely on is the Google Analytics. This is considered to be one of the greatest automations available at user disposal, these days. All you need to do is to add a tracking code to WordPress via utilizing Google Analytics plugin. The next step is to allow it to attract data relevant to targeted traffic. Although these plugin does not automate Analytics reports, user can arrange these within Google Analytics as soon as the tracking code is in position.

Database Cleanup

Several options for cleaning up and optimizing WordPress sites are available these days. Although most of those chores necessitate direct contribution and action taken by users, database cleanup is one crucial task users are capable of automating. The WP-DBManager plugin will allow you to schedule various tasks including:

– Optimization of website database

– Automatic backup of website database

– Cleaning of website database

Since the task isn’t really interesting or easy, a plugin can help you get relief from the responsibility.


A lot of things apart from database demand a backup. Regular backups are absolutely necessary if you wish to make sure the content of website is preserved outside of WordPress so that you benefit from quick restore of your website to its last-saved version. The process takes a lot of time to manage. Hence, automation with a plugin can help.

Automate is the first backup tool you must use. It helps schedule backup before any updates are done to your site. Most WordPress support packages include this tool and recommend it for their clients.

Email Marketing

It really pays to invest time in sending newsletters to your followers. There are plugins which do not require you to write any content. All you need to do is use the right newsletter plugin to automate it to attract content from your website. It will also help you to send some auto-generated messages each time new content gets published.

Payment Collection

It takes a lot of efforts and hard work to run an e-commerce website. You must be on toes all the time to keep services or product inventory updated regularly. Regular promotions play a crucial role to attract visitors and clients. Additionally you need to do all that experts do for maintaining non-commerce. The job isn’t easy.

Hence, it is crucial to automate the payment collection process using an efficient payment gateway tool. This will save you from the hassles such as check depositing, running credit cards, and other payment collection options most have to face. Having a reliable gateway to handle things will keep you out of the responsibility.

Lead Generation

The no-email era was no fun. Businesses required calling clients and face brutal rejections. Advent of email tools such as Outlook and Gmail allow users the ability to establish conversations with prospects and existing customers online.

So, it is time to connect lead generation and email platforms to contact forms. This will help you automate several processes. It involves retrieving information collected from visitors, notification transmit of the messages from the website to inbox, and response received by visitors after they use one of the contact forms. The process is simplified with plugins like Hustle assisting lead generation and contact form.

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