Why Your Company Needs A WordPress Website

You opt for multiple options when you decide to get a website for your business. Being a designer, when I talk to the users about having a WordPress website, they usually give an answer by saying that their firm has already got one.  But when I start simplifying the advantages of having a WordPress website to them, they got eager to know more about WordPress benefits and why they should opt for WordPress?

Generally, you have neglected WordPress on the grounds that your firm does not require. WordPress is present in the market since 2003 and first, it was targeted by the bloggers and known as Content Management System.  Every year users of WordPress is getting increased and this has made the WordPress number one CMS in the market.  Have you questioned yourself what are the advantages? What makes it different?  Despite the fact that there are multiple reasons to get WordPress for your website. I will highlight the mainstream ones:-

WordPress is Free!

Being a free CMS it is really very fascinating that it offers billions of themes and plugins in free of cost to match the requirement of any website.  However, it is free and it is managed by the volunteer social affair of experts enchant by designing the item.  A group consists of experts and it allows anyone to participate in the group by opening a new topic, answer technical questions, develop and introduce the modules, etc.  If you are using WordPress then you can use any of those groups to get benefits. You are allowed to use manage the groups as this will make the WordPress popular.

An open source code is assisting the newbies to find out how to maintain their website. You can change the source code without paying any money. The only thing you need to consider in terms of payment is hosting. Opt for Best Cheap WordPress Hosting and select your own domain and plans. Start your own blog and earn from it.

WordPress is Easy to use

WordPress is very easy to handle as it does not need technical knowledge. Being a newbie, you can easily transfer video and images, edit posted blogs, manage content and include new page without taking help of a  designer.  A WordPress platform allows you to sign in from any PC and you can edit your work without contacting your designer. In short, you have full control of your blog.  It is a universal fact that WordPress is famous for blogging.

WordPress is SEO friendly

If you are facing the issue to get your website on the first page in search engine then opting for WordPress is the best choice.  WordPress code is developed exceptionally agreeable with the help of search tools.  Google finds it easy to crawl the site and lead your WordPress site by using a unique phrase to get indexed your pages. Google gives first priority to the sites who upload fresh content so you can make the changes and make your site SEO friendly by following Google algorithm

WordPress can expand

Your organization website is not limited to its different outline and template with the WordPress. You can design your site without taking help of experts and set up a new website in the light of the fact that your business has adopted a new advertising technique or marketing strategy. You can upgrade your website by using plugins and themes. Additionally, you can expand your pages by adding videos or pages further. WordPress is versatile and no one will interfere while executing organization’s pages.  An effective way to grow your business is using mobile-friendly website. WordPress offers a responsive design that looks superior on tablet and mobile devices. There are multiple advantages of getting WordPress for your organizational website as it is tough to recall them here.

Pro’s of WordPress .org

  • Easily add and use WordPress plugins for smooth functioning of the website
  • Easily add paid or free themes and alter them as per your need
  • Get complete control on the website content that allow you to publish content at any time.
  • Run ads on the website and earn money.
  • Included analytics and tracking for the website.

Con’s of WordPress. org

  • Buy domain name and web hosting plan for setting up WordPress

Pro’s of WordPress .com

  • Allocated free space of 3 GB
  • Don’t get the opportunity to have a custom web address for the website, i.e address of the website will be look like this:- http://nameofdomain.wordpress.com

Con’s of WordPress .com

  • Don’t get flexibility to use WordPress plugins and if needed then you have to join the VIP program that is expensive.
  • You are restricted to use custom themes and asked to update the account if you want to avail any advanced features.
  • Free ads are placed on the website and for removing the ads, you have to upgrade the account.
  • You have to get 25k monthly page views to sell the ad space on your website.
  • You are not able to set up analytics and tracking on the website.
  • In case you don’t follow WordPress.com rules then authority have right to delete your website at any time.
  • If you are looking to buy unlimited website space, then you need to purchase business plan.

From above mentioned points it is suggested to register a domain name and set- up your own self hosted WordPress website. This can be a better investment for your business in future. In case, you are looking to upgrade your plan, then check VPS Hosting!!


In case you are not sure about registering your website then you can begin your journey with free WordPress.com website. But in the future you can opt for self hosted WordPress website that is perfect for your business to achieve your vision and mission. Are you willing to share your experiences of getting WordPress for your website? Do comment below in the comment section.

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